Installation process :

  1. run the command : ‘sudo dpkg -i proVconnectDeviceAgent_xxxx.deb’ (from the directory where the .deb file is located,xxxx is the current agent version)
  2. Open the configuration file for editing using command line ‘sudo nano /opt/provconnect-agent/device-agent/bin/Wanpulse.config’ or graphically with a text editor (with root rights)
  3. Set the “Communication.Url” configuration key with your server dns (exemple : The https protocol is mandatory
  4. Save the configuration file
  5. Restart the agent using the command : ‘sudo service provconnect-agent restart’
  6. Your linux agent is ready to roll !

Please note that the linux agent is functional, but it doesn't have all the features that a windows agent has.

At the moment, the linux agent is available on request only at the address